Module Contents¶
Run a gql API query on Github |
Get the ID of an organization |
Get node ID of a team |
Get the ID of a repository |
Put a created issue into a different column |
Create a draft issue in a project based on a template |
Create new github project (version 2) |
Create new github project and associated tickets for a project |
Create an issue and associate it with a project v2 |
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.github_api = 'https://api.github.com'¶
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.gql_query(query, token, params=None)¶
Run a gql API query on Github
- Parameters:
query (string) – The gql query
token (string) – Github API token
params (dict) – Parameters to pass to the gql query
- Returns:
The response from the API
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.get_org_id(endpoint, token=None)¶
Get the ID of an organization
- Parameters:
endpoint (string) – Name of the organization
token (string) – Github API token
- Returns:
Organization github ID
- Return type:
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.get_team_id(team, token, org=None)¶
Get node ID of a team
- Parameters:
team (string) – Name of the team (slug format, i.e. “Curation and recruitment” becomes “curation-and-recruitment”)
token (string) – Github API token
org (string) – Github organization, defaults to github_org in hosts.py
- Returns:
Node ID of the team
- Return type:
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.get_repo(token, search, repo=None)¶
Get the ID of a repository
- Parameters:
token (string) – Github API token
search (string) – Name of a project to search for an existing one
repo (string) – Github repository (e.g. QualitativeDataRepository/dvcurator-python)
- Returns:
ID of the repository, or none if an existing project is detected
- Return type:
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.alter_column(project_id, item_id, field_id, option_id, token)¶
Put a created issue into a different column
- Parameters:
project_id (string) – Project ID
item_id (string) – Issue ID
field_id (string) – ID of the columns option
option_id (string) – ID of the option to change to (i.e. which column)
token (string) – Github API token
- Returns:
results of API query
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.draft_issue(pid, template, token)¶
Create a draft issue in a project based on a template
- Parameters:
pid (String) – Github project ID
template (Path, as string) – Path to template txt file
token (string) – Github API token
- Returns:
ID of draft issue
- Return type:
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.new_projectv2(dv, title, token)¶
Create new github project (version 2)
- Parameters:
dv – Dataverse metadata block from get_metadata()
title (string) – Title of the project
token (string) – Github API token
- Returns:
ProjectV2 object from API
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.generate_templatev2(dv, project_name, token)¶
Create new github project and associated tickets for a project
- Parameters:
dv – Dataverse metadata block from get_metadata()
project_name (string) – Project name (used as prefix)
token (string) – Github API token
- dvcurator.github_projectv2.add_issue(project_name, template, repo, pid, token)¶
Create an issue and associate it with a project v2
- Parameters:
project_name (string) – Prefix to attach to the ticket name
template (Path, as string) – Path to the issue template that will be the body of the issue
repo (string) – Github repository (e.g. QualitativeDataRepository/dvcurator-python)
pid (string) – Project ID
token (string) – Github API token
- Returns:
ID of the newly created issue, or the API error
- Return type:
string or list[str]