Redirect standard output to a text box in the GUI |
Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D border. |
Module Contents¶
- class dvcurator.gui.redirect_text(text_ctrl)¶
Redirect standard output to a text box in the GUI
- output¶
- write(string)¶
- flush()¶
- class dvcurator.gui.MainApp(parent, *args, **kwargs)¶
Frame widget which may contain other widgets and can have a 3D border.
- disable_buttons()¶
Disable most GUI buttons, for while an operation is in progress
- enable_buttons()¶
Re-enable most GUI buttons, for once an operation has finished
- schedule_check(t)¶
Check if an in-progress operation has finished after 1 second
- check_if_done(t)¶
Enable buttons again if an operation is done, or run schedule_check() again
- open_config()¶
Manually select a config file
- load_config(path=None)¶
Load the variables from a config file into the program
- save_config_as()¶
Manually save a config file (save-as)
- save_config(path=None)¶
Save variables to a ini file
- check_subfolder()¶
Check if a folder in dropbox for the loaded project already exists
- set_dropbox()¶
Set the top-level Dropbox folder
- set_subfolder()¶
Manually set a Dropbox project subfolder, for when check_subfolder() can’t detect it but a folder does exist
- open_explorer()¶
Open the Dropbox project subfolder in the native file explorer
- load_citation()¶
Load project metadata from Dataverse, mainly runs get_citaiton()
- download_extract()¶
Run download_extract()
- make_github()¶
Run generate_template()
- reset_all()¶
Unload project metadata
- rename()¶
Run basic_rename()
- convert()¶
Run docx_pdf()
- set_metadata()¶
Run standard_metadata()
- create_readme()¶
Run generate_readme()
- anonymize()¶
Run anonymization processes
- close_window()¶
Save config before killing window
- parent¶
- github_org¶
- curation_repo¶
- dataverse_host¶
- doi¶
- doi_entry¶
- dv_token¶
- gh_token¶
- dropbox¶
- dropbox_entry¶
- cite_button¶
- download_button¶
- makeproject_button¶
- reset_button¶
- pb¶
- out¶
- dvcurator.gui.main()¶